This page contains a newspaper page about provisional members of the Junior League of Fort Worth. The article continues on the next page of the scrapbook.
The Junior League of Fort Worth Scrapbook, 1963-1964
The Junior League of Fort Worth (Fort Worth, Texas)
Community ProjectsMember EducationProvisional MembersVolunteering
1960s20th Century
Armstrong III, Mrs. George W.Baldwin, Mrs. Charles F.Frazer, Mrs. Clarence W.French, J. RandolphFrench, Mrs. J. RandolphHalsell, Judith GraceMeeker, L. H.Meeker, Mrs. Lawrence H.Munn, Carolyn CulverRhodes, KayRunyon, Mrs. William FrancisRunyon, William F.Schenecker, Mrs. EdmundSchmuck, Mrs. H. WallaceSimons, Virginia BeggsTatum, G. DouglasTatum, Mrs. G. DouglasThomas Jr., Mrs. George M.Waltrip, Kenneth M.Waltrip, Mrs. Kenneth M.Weatherby Jr., Mrs. Lester CharlesWilliams, Mrs. John HamshireWilliamson, Mrs. J. Donavan
The Junior League of Fort Worth Scrapbook, 1963-1964, Page 7
Fort Worth, Texas